Massachusetts Historical Society

Teacher and 学生 奖学金

你一直想有机会接触历史吗? 历史上有没有什么主题是你一直想花时间去探索的? Apply for a MHS Fellowship!

的 MHS is proud to offer fellowships for K-12 teachers and high school students to explore a topic of their choice in the Massachusetts Historical Society's archives. 这些奖学金适用于K-12教育工作者和美国所有高中学生.S. states and territories. 的 application deadline is 11:59 pm ET on March 14th, 2024. 教师可以同时申请Swensrud和Kass教师奖学金,并且可以在同一申请表中进行申请.

请浏览以下三种类型的奖学金并利记手机官网 with any questions. We will hold fellowship info sessions on February 7th, 2024 对于那些有兴趣了解更多利记APP官网手机版奖学金和申请流程的人(详情见下文).

  • Swensrud Teacher Fellowship

    有没有什么历史话题是你一直想在课堂上讲的? 你是否面临着你想要解决的内容知识或课程的空白? 在开发课程材料以满足学生的特殊需求方面,您是否需要支持?

    的 Swensrud Teacher Fellowship program offers K-12 educators the opportunity to research and create educational materials using documents and artifacts from the collections of the MHS. 的 fellowships carry a stipend of $6,000美元,用于四周的研究和创建两个或更多的课堂使用的主要资源集. We are seeking applications that identify an area of need in the applicant’s curriculum and propose ideas for a research project that will address that need.

    我们将在2024年夏季/秋季颁发两个斯旺斯鲁德奖学金. 申请人将优先考虑其前五年的教学经验 for one Swensrud Fellowship.

    Swensrud Fellowship Description

    During the summer and fall, Swensrud fellows will complete a total of 20 days of research both on and off-site on the topic of their choice using MHS collections, 并将为课堂制作2套以上的原始资料. 的se deliverables are due on January 15th, 2025, 这些项目的材料将被纳入MHS在线教育资源,这要归功于创造它们的老师们.

    Swensrud fellows will meet regularly for virtual mentorship sessions with our 教育 department for support in finding resources, focusing research questions, and developing classroom materials. 研究员还将与MHS的研究图书馆员合作,帮助他们找到支持他们研究的资源. 斯旺斯鲁德学院的研究员为他们的研究设定了自己的节奏:有些人更喜欢把他们的研究时间压缩到几个星期, 而另一些人则在夏天和秋天展开他们的研究. Applicants may also be eligible for fully virtual fellowships if the majority of the materials they are interested in studying are already digitized.

    斯旺斯鲁德学院的研究员将获得6000美元的津贴,以奖励他们在MHS的工作. 他们的前一半津贴将在6月参加我们的虚拟培训后发放, 下半年在2025年1月收到可交付成果后完成.

    Who should apply?

    Applications are welcome from any K-12 teacher or library media specialist who wishes to use the collections at the MHS to prepare primary-source resource sets in the fields of American history, 世界历史, 公民, English language arts, or other relevant subject areas. Applicants are welcome from all U.S. states and territories, 并且必须在2023-2024年期间在教育机构任教或工作. 斯旺斯鲁德奖学金将优先考虑前5年教学经验的教育工作者.

    What is the deliverable for this fellowship?

    After completing the 20 days of research, Swensrud fellows will be asked to produce 2 or more primary source sets and associated materials for other educators to use. 奖学金获得者还将完成对其奖学金经历的简短反思.


    在2+组中,研究员应包括至少10个主要来源. Each source set should include the following:

    • 对主题及其意义的简短概述(3-4段)
    • 从文学硕士历史和社会研究或ELA/扫盲框架适用的标准列表
    • 1-2 essential questions
    • MHS馆藏中至少3件物品的主要来源清单,包括:
      • 用一段话描述每个项目的意义/教育价值
      • An image or photograph of each item
      • 课堂上使用的任何书面节选的文字记录
    • 基于文档集的2-3个课堂活动样本

    Where applicable, 研究员可以选择制作一个短视频来代替书面文本,作为源集的一个或多个组成部分, e.g. 对主题的视频介绍或课堂活动的录音解释和演示.


    Fellowship Reflection:

    受奖人可以写一篇1000字的博客文章来描述他们在奖学金期间的经历, 或参加与MHS教育人员进行45分钟的虚拟面试. 两个可交付成果必须完成并提交 January 15th, 2025.

    Source set materials and activities developed by teacher fellows may be incorporated into the MHS 历史来源 curricular resource portal for other educators to use, 我们将在MHS Beehive博客上分享这些评论. Teacher fellows also retain use of their project materials and may post and share their lesson materials elsewhere with credit to the Massachusetts Historical Society Swensrud Fellowship.


    Submit your application via our online application form 午夜时分 March 14th, 2024. 如果你愿意,你可以同时申请斯旺斯鲁德奖学金和卡斯奖学金.

    我们将举行联谊信息会议 February 7th, 2024 at 5 PM (注册在这里). You can watch the recording of last year's info session here (密码:=&v0%pFJ).


    • A current resume
    • A letter of intent (no longer than two pages, single spaced) that identifies an area of need in your curriculum and ideas for developing primary source lesson materials that address that need. 你的信必须回答以下问题:
      • 这个研究领域最让你兴奋的利记APP官网手机版? 利记APP官网手机版这个主题,你有哪些问题是你希望你的研究能够回答的?
      • 谈谈你的学生的具体需求. 这项研究将如何支持你的课堂教学和你自己的学生的需求?
      • 描述一下你在课堂上使用第一手资料的教学理念. 你经历过哪些成功和挑战?
    • A list of 3-5 MHS collections, 展品, 或MHS档案中的特定项目,您有兴趣作为研究的一部分进行探索. We recommend exploring our website, our collection guides, 历史来源 curricular resource portal, 和我们的 online collections.
    • 学校校长或系主任的支持信
    • 你制定的课程计划或课堂活动样本. 它可以是任何主题,不必与你申请的主题相同,甚至不必与历史课相同.

    利记APP官网手机版与您的主题相关的利记手机官网的可访问性和可用性的问题, 有意申请人士可透过以下途径与图书馆读者服务部联络 电子邮件 or 虚拟聊天. 利记APP官网手机版您的提案和研究问题,请发送电子邮件 MHS 教育 Staff.

    的 fellowship process is competitive. Awards will be made on the strength of 1) proposed topic of research; 2) how this research will address an area of need in the applicant’s teaching 3) the plan for using MHS collections; 4) usability of the proposed research in other classrooms; 5) recommendations; 6) the sample classroom materials.

    Please direct questions to

  • Kass Teacher Fellowship

    有没有一个历史话题或时期是你一直想深入探索的? 你是否面临着你想要解决的知识或课程上的空白? 你准备好潜入档案,看看你发现了什么吗?

    的 Kass Teacher Fellowship program offers K-12 educators the chance to focus on pure research and archival exploration by conducting 20 days of research at the MHS on a topic of their choice. 的 fellowship carries a stipend of $3,你在暑假期间做了四周的研究,并提交了一份利记APP官网手机版你的研究结果的最终报告. We are looking for applications from K-12 teachers seeking to do historical research that will fill a knowledge gap or address a need in their curriculum.


    Kass Fellowship Description

    During the summer and fall, Kass fellows will complete a total of 20 days of research both on and off-site on the topic of their choice using MHS collections, 并将提交一份最终报告和他们研究成果的参考书目. This deliverable is due on January 15th, 2025, 这些项目的材料可能会被纳入MHS在线教育资源和我们的网站 MHS Beehive 博客,这要归功于创造它们的老师们.

    卡斯研究员将定期与我们的教育部门进行虚拟指导会议,以支持头脑风暴, finding resources, focusing research questions, and developing the final report. 研究员还将与MHS的研究图书馆员合作,帮助他们找到支持他们研究的资源. 卡斯研究员为他们的研究设定了自己的节奏:一些研究员喜欢把他们的研究时间压缩到几个星期, 而另一些人则把他们的研究访问分散在夏季和秋季. Applicants may also be eligible for virtual fellowships if the majority of the materials they are interested in studying are already digitized.

    卡斯教师研究员将获得3,000美元的津贴,以表彰他们在MHS的工作. 他们的前一半津贴将在6月参加我们的虚拟培训后发放, 收到他们的最终报告后再付另一半.

    Who should apply?

    Applications are welcome from any K-12 teacher or library media specialist who wishes to use the collections at the MHS to prepare primary-source resource sets in the fields of American history, 世界历史, 公民, English language arts, or other relevant subject areas. Applicants are welcome from any U.S. states and territories, 并且必须在2022-2023年期间在教育机构任教或工作. 以前的经验进行档案研究是不需要的.

    What is the deliverable for this fellowship?

    After completing the 20 days of research, Kass fellow will be asked to produce a bibliography with highlights from their research (at least 15 items/folders/collections) and a final 4-page or 2,500字的研究过程和发现报告. 的 tone of this report is informal, 研究员应准备好讨论以下提示:

    • What topics and materials did you explore?
    • 在你的研究过程中,你的研究问题发生了什么变化?
    • 在你的研究过程中,你发现了哪些最有趣或最令人惊讶的材料? 你的学生最感兴趣的材料利记APP官网手机版?
    • 你的研究和你找到的资料将如何影响你今后的教学?
    • 如果其他教师申请MHS的研究奖学金,他们应该知道什么? 该研究项目的亮点和不足之处利记APP官网手机版?

    两个可交付成果必须完成并提交 January 15th, 2025. 最终报告的部分内容也将在我们的网站上与MHS教育社区分享 MHS Beehive 博客. Fellows also retain use of their project materials and may post and share their report elsewhere with credit to the Massachusetts Historical Society Kass Fellowship.


    Submit your application via our online application form 午夜时分 March 14th, 2024. 如果你愿意,你可以同时申请斯旺斯鲁德奖学金和卡斯奖学金.

    我们将举行联谊信息会议 February 7th, 2024 at 5 PM (注册在这里). You can watch the recording of last year's info session here (密码:=&v0%pFJ).


    • A current resume
    • A letter of intent (no longer than two pages, single spaced) that identifies a content knowledge gap or address an area of need in your curriculum that you hope to address through your research. 你的信必须回答以下问题:
      • What excites you about this area of research? 利记APP官网手机版这个主题,你有哪些问题是你希望你的研究能够回答的?
      • 谈谈你的学生的具体需求. 这项研究将如何支持您的课堂教学和您自己的学生的具体需求?
      • 描述一下你在课堂上使用第一手资料的教学理念. 你经历过哪些成功和挑战?
    • A list of 3-5 MHS collections, 展品, 或MHS档案中的特定项目,您有兴趣作为研究的一部分进行探索. We recommend exploring our website, our collection guides, 历史来源 curricular resource portal, 和我们的 online collections.
    • 学校校长或系主任的支持信
    • 你制定的课程计划或课堂活动样本. 它可以是任何主题,不必与你申请的主题相同,甚至不必与历史课相同.

    利记APP官网手机版与您的主题相关的利记手机官网的可访问性和可用性的问题, 有意申请人士可透过以下途径与图书馆读者服务部联络 电子邮件 or 虚拟聊天. 利记APP官网手机版您的提案和研究问题,请发送电子邮件 MHS 教育 Staff.

    的 fellowship process is competitive. Awards will be made on the strength of 1) proposed topic of research; 2) how this research will address an area of need in the applicant’s teaching 3) plan for using MHS materials 4) recommendations; 5) the sample classroom materials.

    Please direct questions to

  • John Winthrop 学生 Fellowship

    你是否有在学校里没有学到的利记APP官网手机版历史的迫切问题? 你想知道当历史学家利记APP官网手机版感觉吗? 你有兴趣亲自动手处理旧文件和文物吗?

    的 John Winthrop 学生 Fellowship award encourages students in grades 9-12 to use documents and artifacts at the MHS in a research project of their choice and with the support of a teacher advisor. 学生和他们的老师每人将得到1美元,000 stipend to complete their research project. We are looking from applications from students who are excited to learn about a topic in history and a desire to explore primary sources.

    的 MHS will offer one fellowship to an individual student or a group of up to five students and their teacher advisor during the summer of 2024.

    John Winthrop 学生 Fellowship Description

    的 student fellow(s) and their teacher advisor will attend a virtual orientation at the end of May to kick off their fellowship. Over the course of the next two months, 该学生将探索与他们的研究课题相关的MHS藏品中的文件和文物. 学生可以在MHS阅览室探索项目, 他们将在哪里直接处理原始文档和工件, and also explore digital materials from our online collections 和我们的 virtual primary source sets.

    学生s and teacher mentors will meet regularly for virtual mentorship sessions with our 教育 department for support in brainstorming, finding and analyzing resources, focusing research questions, and developing their final project. 学生研究员还将与MHS的研究图书馆员合作,帮助他们找到支持他们研究的资源. 每位同学和他们的指导老师将获得1美元,他们参加该奖学金可获得000英镑的津贴. 他们的前一半津贴将在5月份参加我们的虚拟培训后发放, 而后半段则是在完成他们的期末项目和反思之后.

    Who should apply?

    你不必是历史爱好者,我们需要的是对提问和学习的热情, 没有成绩! High school students from any U.S. 欢迎各州和地区申请约翰·温斯洛普学生奖学金. 学生必须在2024年秋季进入9-12年级. 如果学生计划远程完成奖学金, 他们的研究领域必须与MHS网站上已经数字化的材料相关. To explore options, check out our website, our collection guides, 历史来源 curricular resource portal, 和我们的 online collections.

    What is the final project?

    Over the course of the fellowship, 学生研究员将完成一个项目,分享他们在奖学金课程中的研究亮点. 的y will also either write a 1 page reflection about their experience and what they’ve learned or complete a virtual interview with the MHS 教育 department. 这最后反思的引用将被刊登在 MHS Beehive 博客.

    During the fellowship, students will work with their teacher mentor and MHS advisor to determine the type of research project they would like to complete. 每个项目必须包括他们在MHS研究的至少4个主要来源的分析. 这可以是学校已经分配的项目,也可以是学生自己设计的独立项目.

    Examples of potential projects might include:

    • 一篇博文
    • A web page or website
    • A podcast outline, script, or recording
    • A slideshow presentation
    • An essay (minimum 4 pages)
    • 一个杂志
    • A documentary or video
    • 对MHS工作人员的采访,利记APP官网手机版他们的研究主题


    的 project and student reflection are due by 2024年7月31日. While neither will be graded, 导师必须根据奖学金标准批准项目的完成.


    Submit your application via our online application form by midnight on March 14 2024. 我们将举行联谊信息会议 February 7th, 2024 at 6 PM (注册在这里).You can watch the recording of last year's info session here (Passcode: 3MkZ%rM%).


    • 一份不超过500字的提案,说明以下内容:
      • 你想研究的主题利记APP官网手机版?你为什么对它感兴趣?
      • 利记APP官网手机版你想调查的话题,你有什么问题?
    • A list of 3-5 MHS collections, 展品, 或MHS档案中的特定项目,您有兴趣作为研究的一部分进行探索. We recommend exploring our website, our collection guides, 历史来源 curricular resource portal, 和我们的 online collections.
    • 你的导师为奖学金项目写的推荐信

    利记APP官网手机版与您的主题相关的利记手机官网的可访问性和可用性的问题, 有意申请人士可透过以下途径与图书馆读者服务部联络 电子邮件 or 虚拟聊天. 利记APP官网手机版您的提案和研究问题,请发送电子邮件 MHS 教育 Staff.

  • Our 2023 Fellowship Recipients


    Swensrud Teacher Fellowship:

    Sydney Slayer, Lyons Township HS, Lyons IL

    Matt Weiss, Verde Valley HS, Sedona AZ

    Kass Teacher Fellowship:

    迈克尔·米. Khorshidianzadeh, Victor School, Acton MA

    John Winthrop 学生 Fellowship:

    Sahai Virk, Milford High School, Milford MA

    祝贺我们的第2023届师生, 我们期待着从你今年在MHS的研究中学习!

